
  • スウェーデン大使_HP

    February 25, 2016 (Thursday)

    H. E. Mr. Magnus Robach, Ambassador of Sweden

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Magnus Robach, Ambassador of Sweden

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • バンサーン駐日タイ王国大使_HP2

    February 25, 2016 (Thursday)

    H. E. Mr. Bansarn Bunnag, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Bansarn Bunnag, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • CIMG7746_HP

    December 24, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Ahmet Bülent Meriç, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Ahmet Bülent Meriç, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ウクライナ大使訪問_HP

    December 18, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Ihor Kharchenko, Ambassador of Ukraine

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Ihor Kharchenko, Ambassador of Ukraine

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • October 27, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Richard Ramoeletsi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho

    H. E. Mr. Richard Ramoeletsi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • 柳駐日韓国大使_HP

    October 6, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Lee Joon-gyu, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. LEE Joon-gyu, Ambassador of  the Republic of Korea

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • エジプト大使訪問_HP

    September 30, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Ismail Khairat, Ambassador of of the Arab Republic of Egypt

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Ismail Khairat, Ambassador of of the Arab Republic of Egypt

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • パナマ大使_HP

    September 9, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Ritter Nobel Diaz Gomez, Ambassador of the Republic of Panama

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Ritter Nobel Diaz Gomez, Ambassador of the Republic of Panama

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ベトナム大使表敬_HP2

    August 14, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • カルロス・アルマーダメキシコ大使_HP

    August 11, 2015

    H. E. Mr. Carlos Fernando Almada López, Ambassador of the United Mexican States

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Carlos Fernando Almada López, Ambassador of the United Mexican States

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

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